Understanding Consent

“Rhodes Confession 9926: It really does frighten me to my core that there are still so many boys here who don’t understand consent.”

Although this confession was posted in 2016, posts like this are still circulating the various social media pages, the most recent being the #MeToo campaign. The idea behind this campaign is to show the extent of sexual violence in the world with victims everywhere posting #MeToo on their social media pages. This campaign has showed that a year later, Rhodes Confession 9926 (despite its heteronormative nature) is still relevant as sexual consent is still a major issue in modern society. Consent is even more important in a university setting where the “hook-up culture” is so prevalent. The problem is that there appears to be some kind of misunderstanding about consent, and it is well past time that we sit down and engage with the topic again, however uncomfortable it may be for some people.

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